#1 2 key principles for salon owner success
I AM THE OWNER OF _______________.
Right now, fill in the blank☝🏼
What did you say?
“An award-winning salon”?
“A multi-million dollar salon”?
“A top 200 hundred salon”?
“The best salon in the state”?
“A multi-location salon”?
Again because the first time you didn't believe it.
And one more time because you like the sound of it.
Let's talk about being a business owner for a hot sec. Have you ever seen successful founders, CEOS, or creators that run their businesses all by themselves?
Let me get a little more specific, let's say these successful entrepreneurs do have a team (big or small); have you ever seen them working on the same things as the others on their team?
If you’re not sure, I’ll answer for ya… No! But why? Because they have evolved!!!!!!!
In the beginning, they were probably doing the same things that they have their teams do now. Whether it’s packing and shipping boxes, customer service, serving pizza & beer, or cutting & coloring hair....... it's all the same.
Starting out DOING the service is normal for successful business owners, what's not normal is staying in the role of doing.
It is a natural progression to build a team and have them run the show while the creator/founder/CEO grows with the rest of the team and learns how to lead them.
I'm not saying owners can't be behind the chair. You totally can. For as many hours as you want. But only when you've progressed enough to grow/develop your team. You need them to operate the businesses effectively so you can focus on enjoying what you really want to do -- whatever that is. We all have a reason, a why, for opening our salon, and I’d put money on the fact that it was not to do all. the. things.
I see many salon owners fighting a hard-ass battle that they don’t have to fight.
It is time to rank up as the successful business owners out there and adopt the same principles that got them to where they are.
💡You on board with this? Then your next question is probably, "What the hell do I do now?"
⚡️ Let's start with our 2 foundational principles to salon owner success:
Don't try to do everything. Share the load with others.
Build your support community of peers that are in alignment with your goals and vision.
Have you ever thought to yourself the following, “If I want it done right I have to do it myself”? or what about, “It’s faster if I just do it”? You can’t and shouldn’t do it all. As salon owners, you need to understand that “micromanaging your business limits the company’s growth, as there is only so much one person can do. Determining what your unique strengths are and finding where you can provide the most value will help illuminate what tasks are best delegated.” (Entrepreneur.com article)
Having a group of fellow salon owners that share the same values and goals not only helps emotionally but can also accelerate your own learning and growth. By offering things like accountability, support, access to resources, and even being a sounding board for ideas, a community of like-minded peers is essential. It’s likely that someone in your salon owner community has been where you are and can offer lessons learned to help you scale your own business.
“Every mind needs friendly contact with other minds, for food of expansion and growth.”
I feel so strongly about these principles because I am you and I know what I needed, so I built something that would serve your highest regard. PIP University knows the power of sharing the load as well as the benefits of a community, which is why is it BAKED into our Salon Owner Program, Rich Life CEO. These two foundations are merely a taste of what we serve up in our community. I’m on a mission to make a difference in the lives of salon owners that are ready. #PIP
Heather, CEO PIP University